Interview Process

The interview process has two parts to it:

  1.  The first interview will have two main elements. We will engage in some light conversation so both of us can get to know a little about one another.  We hope to find out where you are at spiritually and would like to know your goals for the next year or two.  We will discuss Emmaus House in detail including all the goals, expectation, guidelines, and rules.  And finally, we will leave you with some information with you to review and ask that you prayerfully consider the commitment of Emmaus House.  We will also do the same by seeking the Lord.
  • After a day or two, if both parties decide to proceed, then the final interview will be conducted.  This will be a place for you to ask any questions that you might have and we will do the signing of the paperwork.  The details for your arrival will be discussed at that time.